Mary Eleanor Noone, 62, a Bethesda resident and registered nursewho was a senior vice president at Providence Hospital, died Jan. 13at Sibley Memorial Hospital. She had cancer.
Ms. Noone, who came to the Washington area in 1964, was aPennsylvania native.
She was a nursing graduate of the University of Maryland andreceived a master's degree in nursing administration from CatholicUniversity.
She began her career in 1964 as a nursing-educator at theWashington Hospital Center, where she worked until joining Providencein 1986 as its vice president for nursing. She was promoted to seniorvice president in 1998.
Ms. Noone had served on the editorial board of Nursing ConnectionsJournal and had served on the board of both the Washington BioethicsNetwork and the American Health Association.
She was a member of the American Organization of Nurse Executives,the Amerian Geriatric Society and Sigma Theta Tau, the nationalnursing honor society. Since 1980, she had been active in educationprograms for Japanese health care personnel. She also had lectured onhealth care ethics.
Ms. Noone, who was a member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church inGeorgetown, was a member of the Archdiocese of Washington Health CareNetwork and the John Carroll Society.
She was a fellow of the Johnson & Johnson-Wharton School ofMangagement for nurses at the University of Pennsylvania.
Survivors include a brother, William Noone of Philadelphia.