'This study identified mediators of a Transtheoretical Model (TTM) intervention to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among economically disadvantaged African American adolescents (N = 549). Single- and multiple-mediator models were used to determine whether pros, cons, self-efficacy, and stages of change satisfied four conclusions necessary for establishing mediation of intervention effects on youths' dietary behavior,' researchers in the United States report.
'All four conclusions were satisfied for stages of change and pros in the single-mediator models and for stages in the multiple-mediator model. Stages mediated 31% of the intervention effect, and pros mediated 7% of the intervention effect in the single-mediator models. In the multiple-mediator model, stages accounted for 72% of the intervention effect,' wrote J. Dinoia and colleagues, William Paterson University.
The researchers concluded: 'Add to the limited data on mediating variables in TTM dietary intervention programs. Replication studies are needed before it can be concluded that stages of change and pros are consistent mediators of TTM intervention program effects.'
Dinoia and colleagues published their study in Health Education & Behavior (Mediating Variables in a Transtheoretical Model Dietary Intervention Program. Health Education & Behavior, 2010;37(5):753-762).
For additional information, contact J. Dinoia, William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470, USA.
Publisher contact information for the journal Health Education & Behavior is: Sage Publications Inc., 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.
Keywords: City:Wayne, State:NJ, Country:United States, Health Education Research
This article was prepared by Education Letter editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2010, Education Letter via VerticalNews.com.