By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week -- Fresh data on Health Education and Behavior are presented in a new report. According to news reporting originating from San Antonio, Texas, by NewsRx editors, the research stated, 'Childhood obesity continues to increase, disproportionately affecting Mexican American children. The aims of this review are to (a) assess the literature regarding Mexican American mothers' knowledge and perceptions of childhood obesity, prevention, and their role in prevention; (b) critically evaluate the methodological quality of the research conducted on mothers' perceptions of childhood obesity; and [c] make recommendations for future research on parental perceptions of childhood obesity.'
Our news editors obtained a quote from the research, 'Four databases were searched for relevant articles and 22 studies met inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Social cognitive theory was used to sort findings across studies. Major findings included the following: (a) barriers to childhood obesity prevention included lack of education regarding prevention and role modeling, (b) only 23% of studies explicitly used a theoretical framework to guide their study, and [c] most studies used heterogeneous groups to examine perceptions.'
According to the news editors, the researchers concluded: 'Implications for future research and practice are presented.'
For more information on this research see: Mexican american mothers' perceptions of childhood obesity: a theory-guided systematic literature review. Health Education & Behavior, 2012;39(4):396-404. Health Education & Behavior can be contacted at: SAGE Publications, USA , 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA. (Sage Publications -; Health Education & Behavior -
The news editors report that additional information may be obtained by contacting E.T. Sosa, 1University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States (see also Health Education and Behavior).
Publisher contact information for the journal Health Education & Behavior is: SAGE Publications, USA , 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.
Keywords for this news article include: Texas, Bariatrics, San Antonio, United States, Overnutrition, Female Obesity, Women's Health, Diet and Nutrition, Nutrition Disorders, Risk and Prevention, North and Central America, Health Education and Behavior.
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